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Live Well, Work Well - September 2022

The Art of Mindful Eating

Taking time to be mindful of your eating process and not focusing on restricting calories could enhance your awareness of the experience, improve your relationship with food and help you lose weight. Mindful eating can be an essential practice in today’s multitasking world. Multitasking while eating can lead to less satisfaction with your meals, less awareness of the food and, often, overeating.

Mindful eating makes you fully aware of the eating experience and your thoughts and feelings about food. This concept encourages focusing on preparing and consuming your food in a distraction-free environment. By thinking about the food, you may become more aware of the signals your body sends to your brain that indicate satisfaction and fullness, which can help you improve your general health and well-being.

Tips for Mindful Eating

Mindful eating may sound simple, but it takes practice. Consider the following mindful eating tips:

  • Evaluate your appetite and continue to assess while eating.
  • Start with small portions to help respect your hunger and satiety cues.
  • Engage your senses while eating, noticing what you see, smell, feel, taste and hear.
  • Eliminate distractions as they can fuel a negative relationship with food or lead to overeating or emotional eating.
  • Chew your food more, allowing additional time for digestion and recognizing your body’s cues.
  • Don’t skip meals since it can increase your risk of extreme hunger, often leading to quick and unhealthy food choices.

You can start small by attempting the practice once a week—for example, establish a 「Mindful Monday.」 Contact a registered dietitian if you need additional help or guidance with mindful eating or general eating habits.

Are you prepared for a Disaster?

Disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and earthquakes can strike with little or no warning. September is National Preparedness Month, making it a good time for you and your household to make a plan in case you need to evacuate your home or get trapped inside for days. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends the following steps for creating an emergency plan:

  1. Discuss the following questions:
    • How will I receive emergency alerts and warnings?
    • What is my shelter plan?
    • What is my evacuation route?
    • What is my household communication plan?
    • Do I need to update my emergency preparedness kit?
  2. Consider specific needs in your household.
  3. Fill out a household emergency plan.
  4. Practice your plan with your household.

These tips pertain to your home, but remember that emergencies can happen anywhere. Visit FEMA’s website——to learn more about preparing for emergencies at home, at work and on the road.

Identifying Phone Scams

According to Federal Trade Commission data, more than 2.8 million people reported fraud in 2021, and 1 in 4 said they lost money. The median loss in scams that start with a call is $1,200, higher than any other contact method.

Recognizing red flags of phone scams could help you avoid falling for one. Here are some general indications that the person on the other end is a scammer:

  • They pretend to be from a familiar organization.
  • They say there’s a problem or a prize.
  • They pressure you to act immediately.
  • They tell you to pay in a specific way.

Phone scams come in many forms but often make similar promises or threats. Trust your gut if something seems off or too good to be true.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be exhaustive, nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as professional advice. Readers should contact a health professional for appropriate advice. © 2022 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.



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